HO-LY CRAP kiddos. It's time for the annual pilgrimage to the Nerd-Mecca: the one, the only, COMIC CON!!!!
To kick off this annual trip to the unwashed sea of geekery in San Diego, we at Cherry Spitz give you this podcast. On hand, we have: Lars Hansen, Tim Gale, James Stebick, Erik Wargo (on Skype) and special guest Cousin Miles. This week we pull apart some good panels and some bad panels at this years Con. I know some of you have long drives ahead of you to get to San Diego so pop this baby in your car and start salivating over the inevitable dork-orgy (dorkgy?) that is coming your way. We also throw in some hating on random things and review a little bit more of MTV's immortal sketch comedy show, The State.
Get your podcast on right here- CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 7/22/09
In other news, Cherry Spitz will be moving over to its own blogspot after Comic Con, but we'll keep you updated here until the move happens. There's nothing on the site right now, but if you want to bookmark it (please do), you can find all your Spitzy goodness over at http://www.cherryspitz.blogspot.com/
Gotta keep this short; I got a convention to invade! Check back here next time for my Comic Con wrap-up with interviews and quite possibly some video as well.
Stay frosty out there.
curses!! i was gunning to be the first special guest! haha