All the insane ramblings of your Cherry Spitz Improv group can now be found at their new home at
Why not click over there and say hello. It gets so lonely in this box. You can even follow us and subscribe to us over there. Plus we have some video sketches coming up in the next couple of weeks. Go on over today- all the cool kids are doing it.
Comic Con Wrap-up and Podcast!
We've returned from the our pilgrimage to Nerdhalla and we've got our long box's worth of stuff to talk about. On tap, we have Lars Hansen and his Nor Cal brother counterpart, Kjel in studio. Erik Wargo skypes in with his magical telepathy, or it could just be the skype. The three of us regale you with tales of jackassery from San Diego- the classiest city in the union.

As a bonus- here's a clip with me and Joe Kelly, writer of my newest favorite comic, Bad Dog

Werewolf bounty hunter and ex-preacher drunk bastard kick ass across the American Dream. What's not to like?
Here's some fun added details in regards to some of the stuff we cover in this podcast: This is pretty interesting information about the casting for the new Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action movie. Turns out it's going to be a mostly Anglo cast for a movie that's supposed to take place in essentially an Asian setting.
Really? Seriously? How fucking cool is this!?

Let us know what you think. Until next time kiddos, stay classy.
As a bonus- here's a clip with me and Joe Kelly, writer of my newest favorite comic, Bad Dog
Werewolf bounty hunter and ex-preacher drunk bastard kick ass across the American Dream. What's not to like?
Here's some fun added details in regards to some of the stuff we cover in this podcast: This is pretty interesting information about the casting for the new Avatar: The Last Airbender live-action movie. Turns out it's going to be a mostly Anglo cast for a movie that's supposed to take place in essentially an Asian setting.
Really? Seriously? How fucking cool is this!?
Let us know what you think. Until next time kiddos, stay classy.
Cherry Spitz Podcast 7/22/09- Comic Con Edition!

HO-LY CRAP kiddos. It's time for the annual pilgrimage to the Nerd-Mecca: the one, the only, COMIC CON!!!!
To kick off this annual trip to the unwashed sea of geekery in San Diego, we at Cherry Spitz give you this podcast. On hand, we have: Lars Hansen, Tim Gale, James Stebick, Erik Wargo (on Skype) and special guest Cousin Miles. This week we pull apart some good panels and some bad panels at this years Con. I know some of you have long drives ahead of you to get to San Diego so pop this baby in your car and start salivating over the inevitable dork-orgy (dorkgy?) that is coming your way. We also throw in some hating on random things and review a little bit more of MTV's immortal sketch comedy show, The State.
Get your podcast on right here- CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 7/22/09
In other news, Cherry Spitz will be moving over to its own blogspot after Comic Con, but we'll keep you updated here until the move happens. There's nothing on the site right now, but if you want to bookmark it (please do), you can find all your Spitzy goodness over at
Gotta keep this short; I got a convention to invade! Check back here next time for my Comic Con wrap-up with interviews and quite possibly some video as well.
Stay frosty out there.
Catbus @ Comic Con

Hey art loving internets!
Kelly/DJ Poptart here.
If you are on the internet, maybe you like the same things I do. So of course you'll be at comic con this weekend, right?
When you come to comic con, visit booth 5428. It's a little group of all girl animation artists who do pinup art.
That's right.

This is where you can get your hungry paws on some quality products I've crafted just for my fellow partynerds.
Like the D&D sticker set. Select your character from the 4 original classes. As kickass cartoon ladies, natrually.

Or the super limited SELECTA shirt. May the patron saint of DJ's guide you. There's only 19 of these left. After con the remainders will go up for grabs online. Watch this space!
And lastly we have the enigmatic Glowpocalypse envelopes. Each contains 3 unreleased images from an imaginary future. Numbered, only 25 made.

Also, be on the lookout for CatBus's roving reporter Lighthouse on the con floor. He's got a camera, questions, and a lots of moxie.
Entrepreneur-ily yours,
iTunes Link!
Hey you! Yeah you! I see ya reading this! You like laughter don't ya? What if I told you the Cherry Spitz was on iTunes and you can subscribe to all of our delightfully insane ramblings every week? Nah. That kind of ease and convenience only exists in fairy tales. Well get ready to strap on some pixie wings missie, because everything I just typed is the God's honest truth.
Subscribe today- CHERRY SPITZ ON iTunes

Cherry Spitz Podcast 7/15/09
Hey cats and kittens! Got a piping hot new podcast for all your ears to swoon over.
Erik Wargo, James Stebick, Lars Hansen, Tim Gale, and Ify Nwadiwe riff on good comics, comedians, Comic Con, black people in movie theaters, and other burning hot button issues.
Also look on here for BONUS CONTENT to this week's podcast with fans calling into the show! Yeah, I didn't know people could call into a podcast either, but it HAPPENED!!
Get in on all the hot action right here- CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 7/15/09
For the hell of it
Hey cats and kittens! New podcast coming up tomorrow night. In the meantime, have your mind chew on this for awhile.
I hope to one day meet this man. Perhaps in this state of mind as well. Huell Howser is a man who simultaneously amuses and terrifies me.
I hope to one day meet this man. Perhaps in this state of mind as well. Huell Howser is a man who simultaneously amuses and terrifies me.
Comics Fans Look Here!!!
Actually right here-
Our esteemed bald representation, Erik Wargo is a new columnist on Suicide Girls!
That's right. Cherry Spitz's own comic nerd posting seriously on a softcore porn/alternative/punk/goth girly site!
Check it out right here- PANEL FOR PANEL
If you listened to last weeks podcast, first of all, thank you. Second, his article covers some of the great comics we were discussing in said podcast. Pretty good stuff. Geeks unite.
Our esteemed bald representation, Erik Wargo is a new columnist on Suicide Girls!
That's right. Cherry Spitz's own comic nerd posting seriously on a softcore porn/alternative/punk/goth girly site!
Check it out right here- PANEL FOR PANEL
If you listened to last weeks podcast, first of all, thank you. Second, his article covers some of the great comics we were discussing in said podcast. Pretty good stuff. Geeks unite.
Cherry Spitz Podcast 7/08/09!
Hey hey! Happy "Why was Six afraid of Seven Day?"!
We got an exciting Podcast for y'all this week. This time around we pull apart the opening scene to the worst 80s children film ever. Feel free to debate this, but you're clearly wrong!!!
Also, I try my damndest to figure out comic book fans like this.....
Anytime. Anyplace. I'm calling you out Jim Balent! Bring it you hack.
We also cover some kickass comics thanks to Erik Wargo.
Today's podcast features the usual suspects: Lars Hansen, Erik Wargo, James Stebick, Tim Gale, and the first appearance of the Nigerian Prince- Ify Nwadiwe.

You can get in on all the goodness right here- CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 7/08/09
Listen and discuss. Send us your comments and remember to subscribe to our iTunes on the post above!
Until next time, stay classy Interweb!

We got an exciting Podcast for y'all this week. This time around we pull apart the opening scene to the worst 80s children film ever. Feel free to debate this, but you're clearly wrong!!!
Also, I try my damndest to figure out comic book fans like this.....
Anytime. Anyplace. I'm calling you out Jim Balent! Bring it you hack.
We also cover some kickass comics thanks to Erik Wargo.
Today's podcast features the usual suspects: Lars Hansen, Erik Wargo, James Stebick, Tim Gale, and the first appearance of the Nigerian Prince- Ify Nwadiwe.

You can get in on all the goodness right here- CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 7/08/09
Listen and discuss. Send us your comments and remember to subscribe to our iTunes on the post above!
Until next time, stay classy Interweb!

New mix out- Sideburn Soul
Hey all! Just in time for your Fourth of July weekend comes a funky, soulful, house mix of sweet groove and good vibrations.
Look! I even got album art!

And here's the tracklist:

So fire up your barbecue, jump in the pool, mix up your martini, and get your groove on in style as we celebrate some muthafukkin freedom.
Download- DJ Lighthouse- Sideburn Soul
Happy Independence Day wherever you are!
Look! I even got album art!

And here's the tracklist:

So fire up your barbecue, jump in the pool, mix up your martini, and get your groove on in style as we celebrate some muthafukkin freedom.
Download- DJ Lighthouse- Sideburn Soul
Happy Independence Day wherever you are!
Cherry Spitz Podcast! 7/01/09
That's right! It's Wednesday, so we got a brand new podcast piping hot for your listening pleasure!

This week's main topic was: disturbing movies from the 80s.If you were a kid growing up in the 1980s then you are painfully aware of how movies for "children" in that era had little to no regard for the psychological well-being of their young audience. Yet, we all watched, sometimes over and over again, and it warped us permanently. Since we are gluttons for this kind of punishment, we subject ourselves to several painful 80s clips this week. Listen and discuss!
Download CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 7/1/09 and share our pain!

This podcast features the following Cherry Spitz members: James Stebick, Eric Wargo, Lars Hansen, and Tim Gale.
As an added note, we would also like to state at this time that we saved the most disturbing 80s kids movie for next weeks podcast. However, we would like to see if you can guess what we have planned. Send us a comment and take a guess. You might win a shiny new prize if you do.
If you like this podcast or have comments for us, hit us up with a reply. Or just think positive mental thoughts to better protect us from our Galactic Lord Xenu. Wait, sorry, that was the Thetans talking.
Until next time, chiiiiiildren!
This week's main topic was: disturbing movies from the 80s.If you were a kid growing up in the 1980s then you are painfully aware of how movies for "children" in that era had little to no regard for the psychological well-being of their young audience. Yet, we all watched, sometimes over and over again, and it warped us permanently. Since we are gluttons for this kind of punishment, we subject ourselves to several painful 80s clips this week. Listen and discuss!
Download CHERRY SPITZ PODCAST 7/1/09 and share our pain!
This podcast features the following Cherry Spitz members: James Stebick, Eric Wargo, Lars Hansen, and Tim Gale.
As an added note, we would also like to state at this time that we saved the most disturbing 80s kids movie for next weeks podcast. However, we would like to see if you can guess what we have planned. Send us a comment and take a guess. You might win a shiny new prize if you do.
If you like this podcast or have comments for us, hit us up with a reply. Or just think positive mental thoughts to better protect us from our Galactic Lord Xenu. Wait, sorry, that was the Thetans talking.
Until next time, chiiiiiildren!
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